Friday, March 25, 2011


"eden in action!"

y'all have been so patient with the lack of updates--then i bombard you with doctors visits and nebulizer bits...
so, i thought i'd post more fun stuff about eden!
these are a few pictures of eden over the last couple of days

climbing on the sofa (one of her favorite things to do!)

sitting on daddy's head... another favorite pastime.

reading her poke-a-dot monkey book
 i love her face in this next one... she was "reading" it to me :)

here's a little video of her reading her favorite book to mama

and these next few pictures... 
eden and i were just being silly in the floor--giggling, tickling, climbing, laughing, rolling around
and i stuck my socks on her hand (which she thought was hilarious)

and this is where i can find her should i forget to close the bathroom door completely:
(notice the WET tp stuck to her hand--well, at least she's figured out that tp goes IN the toilet!!)

and these last two are from lee's cell phone
(he kept her two days this week while i worked extra long work days!!)
this one, she's headed to the doctor for our follow up visit
 and this one, she was listening to music with lee while sporting her grateful dead shirt

well... that's about it!
and in case you're wondering, yes, she was sick when i took ALL of these photos...
now you guys can understand why i have a hard time discerning when she's ACTUALLY sick!

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