Friday, September 10, 2010

the art of the collage...

in order to make a collage, i've found that you have the most... hmm... say.... "creative flexibility" using picasa...(as opposed to picnik)

whether you know it or not, when you upload pictures to blogger, its going into a picasa account... and should you choose to install picasa (its free and helps organize your photos), you'll be able to pull in all the pictures from your computer and select your favorites to make a collage...

here's how! (once you've installed picasa, of course!...and you can do that by clicking on the picasa link above then clicking "download" to the right)

click on a photo you'd like to have in your collage and drag it down in the far left hand corner... this is sort of like a collecting tray. continue to do this until you have the pictures in it you want...

once you're done adding pictures to your collage, look to the right of your collecting tray and find the button that shows the two pictures (if you hover over this, it will say "create a photo collage with your collection")... CLICK THAT.

this will show your photos scattered about on a nice white backdrop... this is where you let your creative juices flow.

should you need a bit more "structure", check out the rectangular box at the top left of the screen that says "picture pile: looks like a pile of pictures" can click on that and see some different options...

ok, back to the "picture pile"--because this is where you have free reign & picasa doesn't decide for you where your pictures look best (this doesn't usually work out well for me--i like to do my own thing.)

when you click on one single picture on your pile, you'll see a wheel with a little orange dot to the right appear smack in the middle of yo' pictcha...

as you hover over the picture, you'll notice your cursor turns into a 4-direction arrow thing (i know, i'm a professional!), clicking when you see this will enable you to move your picture across your "whiteboard"...

as you hover over the orange dot, a hand will appear. if you click while you see the hand and move it UP or DOWN, this will change the angle (slant/kooki-ness) of the picture. if you click while you see the hand and move it LEFT or RIGHT, this is how you change the size of the picture!

NOW! with all that being said, i generally try to make all the pictures small, then pick the one (or two) i want to be the biggest & sort of "build around"

as you begin to build around, you can right click on the picture and tell it to "bring to top" or "move to bottom"...this is helpful when you're hiding corners of the pictures

play and have fun with it! there's no right or wrong way to do it :)

once you're done, about midway down the left-hand side of the screen, click the button "create collage"... this will save your beautiful masterpiece! where does it save it? in a folder in your "my pictures" file called "picasa"...once you open that folder its in another folder called "collages" or "my projects" or somethin'


if you want to add text or do cute effects, once you've saved your collage, i recommend opening it in picnik and you know what to do from there! yes, yes, there are certainly ways to do it while you're still in picasa (once you clicked "create collage" you'll notice the left hand side of the screen changed to offer you different effects & the ability to add text, but once you save it here, you can't change it again--as in, if you like the collage, but want to change the color of your letters, you must start ALLLLLLLL over again.* yeah, as in back to the top of this post where you select which pictures you want in a collage.)

*that's the fastest way to make a bloggin' mama mad when she's tryin' to spruce up her blog while her baby's nappin'! time is of the essence, folks!

i hope this was helpful! leave a comment if there's something you don't understand or something else you'd like to know how to do... or you can email me at

ahh, just in time... i hear eden just waking up from her nap!

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