Tuesday, February 23, 2010

baby shower!

this past sunday was eden's baby shower... and wow! we had a blast... to quote another pregnant friend (who missed the shower because SHE had a shower, too!) "whew! who knew that eating and opening gifts could be so exhausting!"

the day was nothing short of a huge success and tons of fun! the house was totally transformed and lots of people came by and saw the nursery, too (since it was at our house!). we got basically everything off of her registry! what a blessing... we. are. READY!

here's a few pictures from sunday...

nancy's cake... she made it to match eden's bedding set... WOW! and that doesn't even begin to describe how delicious it was...
the beautiful flower arrangement... with granny pat's gorgeous punch bowl... and another view of the cake.
shellie and jasmine with the FEAST! table #1
table #2 under the bar...
most of my wonderful hostesses (debi was sick & couldn't come at the last minute!)
lee's aunt jackie... holding baby earl! :)
and the gift opening began.......

this was a really cute bib that my friend andrea got for eden... (in case you can't see it, it says "my mom is hotter than your mom")
aunt lisa holding baby earl while michele, morgan & maggie look on...
mom was telling stories about me when i was just a babe :)
oh, and this little car...
...this little car has been at granny tarboro's since i was
...this big... and i LOVED riding this thing... in fact, i rode it everytime i went to granny's... even when i was beginning to "grow out of it"...i STILL rode it... i rode it so long, that it became not only a tradition to ride it, but a NECESSITY to ride it when i was at her house... even when i was, ummm.... say, maybe... 22 years old?! YES.

and try as they might--mom and granny wanted me to ride that thing AT the shower. no thank you--i think they simply forgot i'm not a "dress" sorta gal--everyone there would've seen something that i can assure you they didn't come to see.

any-hooooo--back on point here! granny brought the little buggy to pass on to eden... heck, she even dressed it up with new "2nd generation" stickers from strawberry shortcake! :) and now its in her nursery waiting for her to get big enough to drive the wheels off of that thing... thanks granny! :) maybe eden will enjoy that HALF as much as i did...hahah

here's some friends from elementary/middle/highschool... (L to R) lauren, emily, andrea, and kristina)
and i'll post a picture of what our bed looked like after the shower (that's where the gifts were put on display during the party)--we didn't get that on mom's camera, but i think someone did... i'll share it with you when i get it... it really wouldn't do any justice now to show it to you because i've sorted through about 85% of it and have it organized (imagine that.) and separated and even started to put somethings away! :)

there were so many more happy memories, friends, and family there that we didn't get a picture of--but we surely won't forget what a special day it was! gosh, i even left my camera on the coffee table, thinking someone would pick it up and snap a few photos. nope. in fact, as shellie was about to leave she said "oh no, someone left their camera!" haha... oh well! :)


A New Chapter said...

i cant wait for baby eden to arrive and be able to use and play with all of her new stuff!!! :) thanks for inviting me to such a special baby shower!!!

Megan said...

sorting tissue paper by roygbiv... hahahaha!

Graceandjoelroberts said...

How Exciting!! So glad you had a great time and got everything you needed!!