Tuesday, January 12, 2010


lee and i have been eating at home every night... and its been GREAT! i've gotten back in my groove of cooking... we're enjoying nice quiet nights at home... and not to mention the moo-lah we're saving by not going out (...or through the drive-thru!). we have been tempted a time or two to pick something up for dinner, out of sheer convenience, but i managed to whip up soup & grilled cheese... or something pretty easy and we enjoyed that so much more!!

and since we've been cleaning and organizing and donating... we've had a chance to re-discover some of the "toys" we've forgotten about or neglected... like our WII!!! when we first go it, we hardly turned it off... then, like lots of stuff, we got tired of playing it... but now, its just like we've gotten a new one... we RE-DISCOVERED IT! :-D

...now, you can take that two ways... we're just enjoying being at home more and what it has to offer, yes... or have we re-discovered these things out of fear that i will CRAIGSLIST THEM!!?? (that would be the verb form of the word "craigslist")

haha... either way, we have found new joy in just plain ole bein' at home... its become a place we really prefer to be! ...and in staying at home more, we've also discovered that it makes going out even more fun!! we went to the grocery store together tonight... and treated ourself to a new wii game that we'd both enjoy...

once we got home from the grocery store tonite, lee commented "you love it when that refrigerator is full!"...and yes, he's exactly right... because it means we're planning on being HOME for the next handful of days... oh, and it means i have OPTIONS of what to cook for dinner! :)

its funny how our "new years resolutions" (i put that in quotes because they were hardly that, it was supposed to be more of a goal for the new year...anyway) have blended together so seamlessly... saving money by eating out less, keeping the house more organized & not letting "chores" get too far behind... and they have transformed into something totally different and rewarding on so many other levels... more than just the money we're saving, or keeping the house cleaner (which OBVIOUSLY makes it a nicer place to be!)...

and i've also noticed, we're eating healthier in addition to cheaper... when we're not eating at home as much, i'm not able to buy as many foods that are fresh--since they'll just end up in the trash... but we've been running out of fruits, vegetables and cereal and those healthier snacks...instead of THROWING THEM AWAY because they've gone bad/stale/just plain yuck.

i've been so proud of lee taking his lunch to work and his commitment to our family goals so far this year! it makes me want to pack a better lunch FOR him!! :)

so, are you still clinging to some of your new year's goals? are you seeing any results or fruits of your labor?!

1 comment:

Nancy Bair said...

My "new years goals" NOT resolutions are...Howie CANNOT be late for school anymore. It's setting a HORRIBLE example for him and I must get on the ball in the morning (so far, so good). I will try hard not to complain so much. I need to have a thankful attitude. AND...I would like to lose 15 lbs a month this year (that would be 180 lbs total for this year alone...holla!) and as of Jan. 12th, I'm at 15.5 pounds lost for the month of January! YAY! We're also doing the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University thingy so I'm sure lots of money saving will be the goals for the year too!