Monday, October 5, 2009

a new game plan...

after a trip to the doctor today, we've developed a new game plan...

stopping the old antibiotic after six days & the only result was WORSENING of my double ear/sinus infection...

trying a new antibiotic & some prescription cough syrup...

and hopefully these two things will help with the ruptured blood vessels in my eyes & sinuses... (sigh)

she never did figure out what was going on with my eyes yesterday... her best guess was either the infection "moving around" (my words, not hers) or it was vessel-related...

OOH!! and the best part about going to the doctor (well, other than feeling like what she wrote on that little piece of paper will bring me back to life again...) ?? i got to hear babyhop's heartbeat AGAIN! :-D still 150... slap on the dot! :)

and the doctor assured & reassured me that babyhop is fine... no amount of coughing that i've done or will do can harm my sweet baby. whew!

doc's giving this "game plan" 3-4 days... and if we don't see DRAMATIC improvement, i'll be scheduling an appointment with my ear/nose/throat doctor asap... (boy, that brings back memories!)

cross your fingers & say a prayer!

i wanted to give y'all a quick update before i chomp down on some moe's, enjoy my new cough syrup & hit the hay.

1 comment:

A New Chapter said...

glad you have a new game plan and i really hope this one works!!! yes it was katie bass :) she was engaged before but never married...i like this guy A LOT better let me know when you feel better and then we can get together for a tutorial on blogging! :)