Monday, March 7, 2011

the after party

what do you do with a couple dozen rubber ducks
after a bubble bath birthday party?
you throw 'em in the tub!!
with her 2937423 other bath toys...

she looks so growny to me in this next picture...
that perfectly poised, pink-lipped, dimpled smerk...
translation? mischief.

i'm helplessly head over heels in love
i just wish she would stay this size forever.


Janet said...

Those are the cutest pics of Eden yet!!! Oh. and I don't know what in the world a cornhole is? but I watched the video several times, just for the giggling. : )

Type B Mom Stays at Home said...

aaand this made me cry. what will we do when they grow up!? When Brandon saw the pic of E on my FB, he audibly gasped at her cuteness. This is a big deal. haha.

Rebekah Sanderson said...

I have shown this post off to anyone that will listen for more than 45 seconds. I can't take how GORGEOUS she is and how GROWNY she is :)