Wednesday, August 18, 2010


i've been looking forward to getting our new living room furniture for a while!!

well, i've been thinking about getting furniture for a few months, but have been waiting for the furniture i ordered for about a month and a half...

nearly every room in our house had been properly furnished & decorated (i use the "decorated" term very loosely), except our living room.. yes, the one room of the house EVERYONE sees...

it had been piece milled, and didn't look terrible, but it definitely didn't coordinate...

and as much as i LOVED that sofa, it was just too big...

the original plan was to craigslist the old one (yes, i made "craigslist a verb.), and see how the sofa & loveseat felt in the room before we made any decisions about my beloved blue recliner.

the sofa & loveseat (tan & dark brown, respectively) looked FANTASTIC in the room--however, they were overshadowed by a NAVY recliner. bleck.

so, we did some additional rearranging--put the glider in eden's room and brought her brown comfy glider downstairs... and... and... and... we had to move my blue recliner upstairs to the guest room... aka "nana's room"

...ok, so maybe i'm being a bit dramatic, because i really DO love eden's brown chair... but i love any comfy chair that rocks :)

so, here ya go... pictures of our new furniture!!

an "aerial shot":
from the front door:
from the kitchen:
(i just realized the pillows weren't so nicely arranged when i took this picture... oh well)

i'm now REALLY beginning to understand just how stinkin' big that green sofa really was... we have the most furniture we've ever had in this room... and we also now have the MOST playroom/floorspace... how does that work?!

looking forward to lots of family time in here... we love our new spot...

...well, its not actually a new spot... but you know what i mean!

it's also really nice to have the living room "finished"...makes the house feel comfy & home-y and look nice, too :)

1 comment:

Graceandjoelroberts said...

LOVE IT! The furniture looks great and the room looks huge!