Sunday, March 7, 2010

what a difference a week makes

this is the hospital bracelet they put on me last saturday...
today? it fell off. as i reached down to pick up the power cord for my computer...

can you say "fluid retention"?

i can put it back on... but it wears more like a bangle instead of a band or bracelet. wow.

i still would love to know how much (fluid) weight i've lost in a week. i don't think* they weighed me when i got to the hospital last saturday, but i just wish i knew...

*they very well could have weighed me--but it was a flurry of activity and i simply don't remember :)


Anonymous said...

same thing happened to me, I always wished I could have known how much water weight I had in the last few hours before delivery..


Anonymous said...

i gained about 60 lbs with karleigh and dropped 40 with in 2 weeks. still got 20 to. of course wahat i lost was the fluid.