Thursday, December 10, 2009

here we go again...

after dealing with the "creepy crud" since tuesday, and two lost nights of sleep... i woke up this morning with itchy, achy ears and a head full of yuck.

i was counting down the minutes until 9am to call the doctor to get a prescription called in for the antibiotic that worked so well last time... (the SECOND antibiotic) ...uh-uh, no way... i'm not waiting any later to see if it "clears itself up" this time... the holidays are too close & i'm really not interested in wasting another month of my life messing with this sh....stuff.

the ob coordinator (the lady i call with any questions or concerns) seemed a little wary that i was getting another ear infection... as was the doctor... eh, in my words not theirs: they're not used to looking at THOSE parts of my body :) ...and i wasn't going to play a game of "i told you so" either...

she suggested that i visit a local doctor & jot down what my prescription was last time... fair enough.

off to the urgent care... and her first question to me "have you ever considered going to an ENT?"

"yes ma'am...i have a regular doctor there & i'm admittedly overdue for a visit & hearing screening--but i'm just here to get a prescription for 400 mg of suprax once a day for 10 days" :)

so then i filled her in on exactly how familiar i was with my ENT... my lifelong history of ear infections, surgerys, hearing screenings, missed school, waxy (silicone?) earplugs in the "pool bag", effective and non-effective antibiotics, utter confusion when the doctor suggested the SECOND removal of my adenoids, 4 sets of tubes (that comes with some major scar tissue to boot!), waking up seeing a tube in the sheets & me putting it in my little palm & telling the parents the tooth fairy had left something behind, the bottles of sunscreen (the only thing that make the "anestesia smell" go away after each procedure), and even PURPLE CABBAGES! (dr. majors--are you reading this?!)

...i REALLY could go on... but she got the idea (and i really didn't tell her ALL the details...she got the jist rather quickly) :)

i agreed that if she'd prescribe me what i needed BEFORE this got out of hand, like it did last time, that i'd go see my ENT if i had any more problems...

however, i'll admit the error of my ways... i didn't have a double ear infection....YET. the "uninfected" ear was full of fluid and was well on its way to infection any minute. so, i wasn't TOTALLY right... maybe that's where her big fancy medical degree came in handy :)

...ok, so i'm not being mean or sarcastic--its almost funny to me that sometimes doctors don't trust their patients--after all, who knows the patient better than himself/herself? yeah, we patients don't get enough credit sometimes ;)

i got the necessaries done at work around lunch & scooted out to get my prescription and take it easy...

so, here i am... taking it easy on the couch with a coffee table full of kleenex, juice, and medicine. and dr. nershi hasn't left my side... doing his famous head tilt everytime i blow my nose... and periodically sniffing the inside of my ear (i'm telling you... this dog knows whats going on!!)...

maybe its true what they* say... all the stuff i'm battling off now, gives eden some sort of immunity... if so, eden shouldn't have to worry about ear or sinus infections....EVER!

*old wives.

lee should be home any minute to take great care of me! say a little prayer for me tonite to get a good nights rest... i resisted a nap this afternoon and opted for relaxation & vegetation instead...


A New Chapter said...

Poor Hannah!!!! Hope you start feeling better...I have to say though, you're being a good sport about getting sick! :) MISS YOU

Anonymous said...

had no idea we had ear and warm fruit issues in common!! i've battled ear mess my entire life. it's yucky. i love how nershi knows what's going on with you - it's sweet how dogs just know!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah,Sorry to read you are sick!!!hurry and get so good to be back on line again..I have missed not being able to read your blog...I have got a lot to catch up will take me a while...but I will read every word...I love the picture you, granny T.