Thursday, October 1, 2009

better, but spreading...

today, i would possibly consider myself better... but... maybe "different" is the best word... ears aren't so achy (yay me for at least knowing when the infection is coming on...) --but, the sinus pressure is still VERY intense and i've developed a croopy cough... and my chest is very tight... and i still feel a bit of dependence on my sinus meds... i wake up unable to breathe within 5 minutes of the time i need to take another dose...

the worst part? lee has shown early signs of catching whatever i've got... so i sent him to target to get all the meds that i'm not allowed to take... (mainly zicam & day/ny-quil) ...i'm hoping the zicam will nip it in the bud for him... poor guy...

so, i kid you not... this is what my counter looks like..., they're not all MY meds, but between prenatal vitamins, antibiotics, vicks vapo-rub, sudafed, the nose spray, and the cough syrup... i've got it covered... oh, and of course this doesn't include the 2 (almost 3) boxes of kleenex that i've gone through ( myself), the gallons of "fluids" i'm drinking... water & juice... or the moisturizer i have to put on my nose now (i don't care if it says moisturizing kleenex... you can't blow your nose 329742987 times and it not dry your skin out or rub it raw at least a little bit...ugh)

i feel like i need to set a timer or an alarm clock or something... lee's taking zicam every 4hrs, i'm on sudafed every 4hrs, nosespray 2x day, antibiotics 2x day, and we're gonna try the cough syrup/vicks tonite before bed...

pray for another night of rest for both of us... it was a shortened night of rest, but nevertheless, better than the night before... i'd LOVE to get better soon & stop taking so much medicine... :-\


Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you two...hope you will feel better in a few days...Hannah, don't forget to rub vicks on the bottom of your feet for coughing and then put on a pair of socks when you go to bed ,it really works. I think your Mom was the one telling me about it..Get better soon..Love you ...granny T.

Anonymous said...

open those windows up and let the ick out this weekend!