...in my previous post, i failed to mention the smoothies lee and i have been enjoying every night as another part of our new nightly routine...
in one of my MANY pregnancy emails i get HOURLY (haha... ok, its not quite that often, but it might as well be)... they suggested a mommy-and-baby-friendly smoothie that seemed to catch my eye...
1 frozen banana (don't let it get too frozen--i couldn't get the peel off--well, unless you're supposed to peel it first, but i didn't know if that would make it turn brown...)
frozen strawberries
vanilla yogurt
orange juice
i added extra strawberries & oj and a tad more yogurt to make enough for daddy hop... and to lessen the intensity of the banana (eek...)
they're delicious and refreshing and healthy and juuuuuust sweet enough to satisfy a sweet craving or two...
and i'll be honest--although i DOOOOOO understand the fantastic nutritional value of bananas and yogurt... i LOATHE bananas and get prettttttty tired of eating yogurt all the time (even mixing it with fruit or adding in granola...)--it just gets boring.
but these are super! i'm looking forward to venturing out and trying different kinds of fruit
and even though i did this for "baby hop" ...nershi seems to enjoy them just as good as the next guy :)
...he really gets into the "glass licking" & if you look carefully in the next one, you can see his teeth--where his nose got stuck above the rim but he pursues the last drops at the bottom [snicker snicker]
and the last one... too cute... please notice his paw on my left wrist--i'm sure he was asking me to hold it still :)
and the last one... too cute... please notice his paw on my left wrist--i'm sure he was asking me to hold it still :)
YUMMY. Smoothies were my thing last year. For some reason haven't made ONE this year. I think I forgot about them. Maybe today!!!!! I do peel my banana first. Love the pics of Nershi. Sadie would never put her whole nose into a glass. she does push it onto the glass rim and shows her teeth in hopes to reach the bottom of the glass.
LOL about the banana!!! you can definitely peel the banana first and freeze it.
You should cut the banana in fourths sometime, freeze them and eat them plain. It's like candy. O. M. G.
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