so today i had a SUPER day! this post will be rather rambling... but i am feeling much better lately & i wanna blog about it :)
i've started walking at night and have found that this helps me sleep better & feel better (which i always knew--even pre-preggo, but the sleep thing was getting to be an issue)... so, i walked last night then went to visit a friends baby then came home & started reading "belly laughs" by jenny mccarthy (ridiculously funny, by the way)... and all that activity made me sleep like a ROCK! good in fact, that i opted to sleep in a little later than normal today because i just needed that sleep i'd lost... and it made for a super day today, too!
even though the day started out kinda rough... as i was leaving for work, i noticed nershi had drug one of his toys/blankets through his water bowl & turned it over... bummer. the kitchen looked like a swimming pool... (ok, maybe that's slightly exaggerated--but you get the idea) then i got to work & realized i'd forgotten to put on my eye make-up... oh well... no one noticed... so after that, i wasn't sure what the day would hold!
but anyway, today... i've had what i'm calling my first official pregnancy symptom (besides the frequent urination...that doesn't count--since i could be drinking lots of water ANYWAY and NOT be pregnant)... i have had the constant "gotta go pee" feeling ALL day... ya know, like something is pushing on my bladder... its been weird because i don't know if i really have to go, or if its just that same old feeling i've had all day... so, only time will tell if this keeps up or if its a fluke thing for today... its been sorta fun (even though it was kind of annoying)... my FIRST pregnancy symptom... yippee!
after work, i came home to find my dog STILL in the kitchen... that's good! we sat out on the front porch and enjoyed this splendiferous weather until lee got home... today, with his "mega-bucks" (sorta like a bonus) he bought a portable frisbee golf "hole" (its a disc catcher)... just like the one seen here...
so he put that together and we played around in the back yard... yes, we were teasing nershi with all the frisbees in the air... but he had is very own! :)
then, to cap off the night... for the first time, i made country ham! LOVE IT! its always been my favorite breakfast meat... but why i never thought to cook it at home beats me... i made that then used the drippings in the pan to scramble some eggs for us... and we had wheat toast with grape jelly... DE-LISH! lee made me promise that'd we'd have this exact meal once a week... now, i dunno about once every single week... but it'll be a regular at our house...
now i'm off to start my new nightly routine... walking and a bit of reading (i know, the reading thing is still boggling my mind, too...i'm sure its just a phase!) haha
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