Thursday, July 9, 2009

coasters and shows...

yesterday i took off of work the ENTIRE day... lee and i woke up and drove to richmond for a FUN day... we spent all day at kings dominion riding roller coasters (and a little bit of time in line... really not bad, though!), then went to the moe./bob weir & ratdog concert about 5 minutes down the road i didn't take a single picture at kings dominion... although we had a ball!! but i did remember to take a few at the concert... and even a video or two! :)

here's moe. when they came out on stage!

the usual "lee and hannah" picture... i think lee took this one (we took a lot to make sure one turned out nice!) this next picture has a story that i must explain... i wore my digital watch (that i don't wear very often) and was trying to figure out how to use the stopwatch part, but we couldn't figure out how! well, lee gave up and decided to stand up and start dancing... while i was working away... apparently, i was "thinking" so hard that i had a funny expression on my face and just as lee was about to take the picture, i figured it out and looked up and said "i fixed it!!"... so if you choose to "click to enlarge" the picture, you will see my tounge looks like its sticking out--because i was mid-sentence and didn't look up soon enough to see he had the camera...

...lee says this is his one of his favorite pictures of me! :) he's so sweet
so then i took a picture of him dancing... well, doing the WHITE BOY BOOGIE as he likes to call it...
here's a small snip-it of lee doing the white boy boogie... until he realized i was filming :)

...and i took this next picture... i like it a lot :)

and i took these next two pictures... i love them too... especially the 2nd one

and here's another little video... just goofin' off!

and i saved my FAVORITE video for last :) enjoy...

we left pretty early... and got back super late... but we had a FANTASTIC day... just me and lee... the weather was picture perfect... about 85 with a few clouds and a nice breeze... just perfect.

i was so glad i had the opportunity to enjoy a little bit of lee's extended vacation... and take a whole day off to spend with just him!!

now we are ready for a fun-filled weekend for shellie & shannon's wedding festivities!! :-D

1 comment:

Poirier Family said...

You guys are to cute. Seem like you were made for eachother!!