Monday, April 20, 2009

when does a house become a home?

...our house has felt like a home for sometime now, but today i made a purchase at lowes that seems to seal the deal...
she's a 4 burner beauty with a side burner on the left...

lee and i used to grill out ALL THE TIME at our old house...we had a $9 charcoal grill from the grocery store...and we wore it slam the old house...
well, when we got to the new house, i was terrified to nail a hole in the wall, let alone start an intentional FIRE ANYWHERE NEAR THE HOUSE!! haha...well, mr. $9 grill rusted through the bottom...and lee and i are both ready to learn how to use a gas grill...
call me crazy, but i'm TERRIFIED of gas grills...all i can think of when i think of these grills is the commercials where they show a big atomic mushroom cloud and the whole family with soot covered faces...
i'm looking forward to learning...and lee is, too!! how to use our nice new this point, its permanent spot is still to be determined, its a little bigger than what i pictured for our deck, but i may leave it in the garage (not cook in there of course, but wheel it in and out)
me? i'm just looking forward to cooking outside--less cleanup (i think)...and lee? he's inspired by bobby flay...but who isn't?!


KieKie! said...

Can't wait for the throwdown! YOU WILL LOVE IT!

Poirier Family said...

I to love the grill. I have my own Johnny flay!! The clean up with outdoor cooking is the same as indoor with Johnny. He must use every bowl he can find. Thank God the food is great!! Enjoy you grill!!