Sunday, January 4, 2009

what next?!?

i think i've run out of things to clean, organize or fix...

**please note the following will be a massive run-on sentence/paragraph, but this is how it happened :)

hopped out of the shower (and put my hair up while it was wet--eekk!!) as lee left for work and began the day by exchanging some bathroom rugs i bought yesterday at target that were too tiny, grabbed lunch to go, took granny her containers back from christmas leftovers, came home and turned into a crazy woman!! i cleaned out the cabinet under my sink in the bathroom, dispersed some of the lovely soaps/lotions i found throughout the house, then cleaned out my car ( entire trashbag stuffed full...i guess i don't need to live out of it anymore--i'm a grown-up!), then straightened up the garage, washed a few windows, came inside, talked to shellie on the phone for a few minutes about HER wedding stuff (YAY!!), dusted a little while, and after organizing our bags (yes, lee and i have LOTS of bags...camping, luggage, purses, backpacks, etc...), i organized my jewelry box...and when finished i installed our new converter box for the tv in the kitchen (how cool!!) folded some more laundry, cleaned out the dishwasher, and then.....

....nothing?....i'll have to come up with something...i must say, i LOVE this mood i've been in lately...the house looks great!! i've donated lots of goodies to goodwill, thrown away lots of things that weren't worth keeping and at this point, i feel comfortable saying, that if its in this house, i know where it is! the urge to paint the hall bathroom is really getting strong...i'm insisting on waiting until we get back from florida! the color's picked out and everything...i'm ready!

interesting thing about my cleaning/organizing...i've successfully "gathered" 12 containers of floss, at least 15 tubes of chapstick (not exactly sure about this number, most of them were thrown away--unsure of how old they were!! yuck), 7 fingernail clippers, about 9 of lee's guitar picks, several dozen bobby pins (most of which in my car? i guess from when i got my hair fixed for portraits, etc...and probably PROM!! haha...approaching 6 years since prom)...and that's all i can think of right now

i may have to give the car clean-out its on post later...i'm still amazed at all the stuff i found in there!! clothes i forgot i had, shoes, CDs i thought i'd lost, 4 hairbrushes (yes, all mine), money (paper AND coins), stuff from jasmine's bachelorette weekend (march 2008?), maps of the parks that lee runs/camps in, i could REALLY go on :)

and the weirdest part about today? no nap!! it was prime napping conditions (raw feeling, chilly and off-and-on rainy), but i resisted...i just had too much i wanted to get done!

hopefully i'll sleep good tonite! tired and nothing on my mind that i wanna get done...but, boy we sure are getting excited about florida!!!

1 comment:

emily bennett said...

hmm. if i didn't know better i'd say that's a mighty strong nesting urge. we all know what THAT means... ???