Thursday, January 1, 2009

a new year has arrived

there's something refreshing about a new year...we get the opportunity to leave the bad behind us and the good times become memories

a reminder that we are renewed and get a chance to somehow improve ourselves...i'm not sure i believe in new years resolutions, but i do like the idea of setting goals and things you'd like to achieve...

i've set goals for myself...some just reminders of things i should keep doing, some that would be fun, some that would make me a better wife...i could go on...

i've started taking vitamins now (my dr.'s wishes this past april...ha), i'm looking forward to rearranging my schedule at work, and i decided today i'd like to try growing a pineapple...i don't have much of a green thumb, but i think it'd be fun...

i'm also trying to stay more up to date with my house stuff...laundry, dishes, etc...(see earlier post)...and we're looking forward to house projects...yardwork this spring, and there's always room for more organizing!

and i think a good goal that we all can try to do is make better decisions...whether its how we eat, what we say, what we choose to do, how we spend our time, and even what we buy...i think that's a good goal--to try to make better decisions.

on a similar "new year" note...i love the montages on tv this time of year..."the year in review" or "a look back over 2008"...its so funny ALL the stuff that happens in a year...the olympics feel so far away--and all the controversy about the torch run...and the death of eve carson at unc...celebrity marriages, babies, snafus...the death of heath ledger...britney spears comes full circle...the election of the first black president (like him or not, its historic)...bush's daughter, jenna got married...and i'm always interested to see the people that come out of nowhere and become household names...sarah palin? we didn't know who she was a year ago today!

any hoo...happy new year :) we're looking forward to a great year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've got a great attitude and fertile ground for all good things to bloom in your lives. I made it to 01/02/2009 before I got a speeding ticket this year...bummer. Those 25mph zones kick my behind. SLOWING DOWN has now moved to the top spot on my resolution list. Love ya ~ YoSPEEDYMaMaCiTa