Saturday, January 31, 2009


well, tomorrow starts febru-hairy...lee and his peers (i wouldn't say everyone...just "peers") give up using the razor for a whole month!...thank God its the shortest month of the year!

my sweet hubby has "adapted" this special occasion since he's already grown his beard--he's decided not to "trim" all month---eek!

the beard is growing on me (get it...growing!!!...ha!) but i really prefer he keep it trimmed, but what the heck--he looks forward to this all year! but he did trim it up nicely for me tonite...

so, without further adieu, i'd like to mark the beginning of febru-hairy...i'll be sure to post a picture of his beard soon and one at the end of the month :)

...does this month apply to the ladies, too? just kidding! :)

1 comment:

Poirier Family said...

I think that's a cool idea!! Here in Maine a lot of guys do it just to keep warm.