Sunday, December 28, 2008 wonder we slept late today!

lee and i have had a fun filled week for sure...

last sunday--we went to lee's parents for christmas with them...always fun spending time with them, along with stephanie, kevin, mary kathryn & lucy. on the menu-steaks, roasted potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake

monday--i went to aunt lisa's for christmas with michele & her family-tom, morgan & maggie...they weren't able to attend the perry get-together, so aunt lisa hosted us so we'd have some time to see them over the holidays. we had delicious chili, baked potatoes, salad, fruit & hot fudge cake & coffee cake (i left before dessert and lee had to work)

tuesday--we went to granny tarboro's for the lewis, david, dougie, renee, trinity, granny, grandaddy and of course--me and was great to see all of them--we don't get to see them as often as other parts of our family, but we always have such a great time...and a FABULOUS meal...honey baked ham, fried turkey, dressing, corn pudding, green bean cass., mashed potatoes, deviled eggs (two granny tarboro specialties), and some other veggies...along with choc. pie, pineapple cake, and my favorite-chocolate covered cherries (homemade...YUM!)

wednesday--christmas eve--lee had to work till 6 and i got off at i enjoyed the afternoon and met lee and his family at the hospital for an evening with grandma pridgen. she's been in the hospital since the 2nd week of november and has had heart surgery...but is on the way to recovery...she's getting better everyday and it was so much fun to spend time with her and jack and lee's parents, too! what a great nite!

thursday--christmas day--we got to sleep in (whoo hoo!) then went to granny pat's for lunch...beef tenderloin, christmas rice, twice baked potatoes, salad, and some other sides...always fun to spend time with this group...granny, grandaddy, dad, lisa, steve, rebekah, emily, and caleb...then lee and i continued a christmas tradition...MOVIE NIGHT! we went with dad to see the curious case of benjamin button...very good movie...thought provoking...and we had popcorn for dinner...yes, we ate that much of it :)

friday--one last hurrah for the retail family--we both worked all day with our after christmas till 5:30 and lee till 9:30...crazy days for both of us...i think its safe to say at this point we were running out of steam...

saturday--lee had the day off (thank you, jesus!) and i worked until 3:30...then when i got home, he was waiting for me to hop in the car and go see marley & me...what a great movie!! probably the saddest, truest movie i've ever seen...i was blubbering (lee was crying, but i'm not sure he's willing to admit it :)...definitely a must see!! we were going to grab dinner after...but opted for moe's and going STRAIGHT home to see NERSHI!!! he probably wondered what had gotten into us...we just wouldn't leave him alone! :) nah, he loved every minute of it!

today--we both woke up after sleeping 14 hours...yes, that means combined, lee and i slept 28 hours last night...but, we both feel great today! rested and renewed for sure! i went to costco...something i've been wanting to do since i got my freezer, but haven't had the time. so i came home and lee helped me put up the stuff we got and now we're enjoying a nice quiet day with nershi and movies! tonite, we're headed over to michael & kimberlee's house to see them for a while...michael got a ping pong table from i'm sure that's in the cards for tonite...along with GRAND STREET PIZZA! yay!

and in the midst of our hectic week, i'm still sticking to my plan to be a little more balanced and do a better job keeping up with "home/wife" stuff...the laundry is done...the house is clean...and dishes will be done in just a few feels good, i must admit...

and i'm getting the urge for my new year's plans...after we get rid of the christmas decorations, we're hoping to do some things around the house (we're planning on fencing in the backyard...YAY!!!!!!) and getting organized...some of our closets have stuff in them that we put in there the day we moved and never thought about it since...i'm looking forward to sorting everything out...and come spring, i've got some landscaping ideas, and i'm hoping to paint my glowing red bathroom a cute shade of canteloupe--myself...we'll see...we got lots of lowe's cards and moo-lah for christmas...that we plan on using for our i'm excited to see what 2009 holds for us!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We sure did enjoy your company Tuesday night....We used the Lonestar Card tonight...the food was so good, thank you... Hope you two can slow down just a little... Love You Both . G&G Tarboro!!!!