Friday, December 19, 2008

holiday happenings!

this time of year is always fun, yet exhausting! (see previous post) we've been to several Christmas parties, holiday dinners, and have even started some of the family gatherings...and i always love getting all of the Christmas cards and seeing the pictures & reading the cute little notes about how everyone's year has been

this week i finally went to the chiropractor about the spot in my back that's been bothering me...come to find out i have a pulled rhomboid muscle...its the muscle that enables you to "reach" that is between your shoulder blade & your spine...interesting pain...mostly do you "un-reach" to relieve the muscle? in my most recent trip to see dr. vardy on tuesday, he taped me up just like the US Olympic beach volleyball player, Kristy Walsh...but its on my back of course...

its called Kinesio Tape and it helps the muscle to "regroup" and facilitates the far, so good...i can notice some difference today (day 2 of the 3 days i have to wear it)...enough about aches and pains...

were oh-so-close to finishing our Christmas shopping...i have 2 more things to get...easy things, but its just a matter of finding the time between now and thursday! whew! thank you, Jesus!

last night our friends Daniel & Sarah came over for a rock band/guitar hero fest! which is fun...and we hope to do it again soon! may have noticed the "suspicious comments" on lee's latest post...those silly boys always get outta hand...

we also booked our trip to Universal Studios/Magic Kingdom for January...VERY excited about that...time off, new year, lee/hannah vacation time, time with Stephanie/Kevin/Mary Kathryn/Lucy, rollercoasters, and did i mention time off?

that's about all for now...i am so excited about bedtime i can hardly wait any longer...zzzzz

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