Tuesday, November 25, 2008

my new favorite chapstick!

on my target excursion saturday (with jasmine, of course), i got some NEEDED chapstick (in addition to the change in the weather, i've been sleeping w/ my mouth open because of the cold, etc...and my lips have been terribly chapped)...any-hoo...blistex fruit smoothies...3 yummy flavors and a limited edition strawberry banana (so good you could just bite it off the tube)...i'm not usually a chapstick girl, but when you need it--its never anywhere to be found...but i've really enjoyed using the strawberry banana stuff recently...a little pick-me-up during the day and makes my lips feel better, too!

after a fun night at k&w (or k&s...i can never tell the diff) i'm relaxing at home in my pajama pants...watching biggest loser...like most tuesday nights

...nershi disappears...nothing terribly unusual, he likes to sleep on our bed...but he comes out and jumps in my lap...again...nothing terribly unusual...but i suddenly get a whif of my new favorite chapstick (first thought--psychological--"ooh yummy, heavenly chaptick maybe i should put some on right now")...which i remember is stuck in my jeans from today (in the bedroom--since i just changed when i got home)...i take another whif...and realize its coming from nershi's BREATH...

UH OH....(hannah races into the bedroom)

...too late...apparently the pup thought it smelled/tasted yummy too...the picture is too devastating to post...just the skeleton of the poor little magenta tube

...so i make sure it hasn't RUINED my carpet (nope, he ate it ALL)...so i bring the "skeleton" back in the living room to find nershi with his ears laid back, in the process of rolling over, thinking "mommy please don't kill me" mixed with the look "oh my that was yummy"

the silver lining, you might ask? nershi has yummy smelling breath, and moisturized lips :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear, it should be a law for couples to have a dog BEFORE they have kids -- it's SUCH a great trail run for parenthood! Enjoyed dinner wid ya' last night, girlie.