Sunday, January 31, 2010

back to reality...

maybe we've had juuuuust enough snow days to not get tired of them, but enjoy them and have lots of fun... without getting bored...

i wouldn't say i'm ready to go back to work yet, but i'm slowly running out of things to do... today, i've painted my nails (the toenails were NO EASY TASK!! haha!), washed the sheets and blankets, folded some of eden's clothes, hung the letters in her room, played outside, watched some movies, cooked lunch & dinner, and TAKEN IT EASY!

i partook in some serious relaxation last night... a nice long bath and early bedtime*... it seemed to be a good combination for sleep and reduced ankle swelling...

unfortunately, i will not be sharing a picture of what my ankles look like with my fabulous group of blog readers, buuut i will say that they look something like this...
yes. a sock monkey. no shape or curve... just straight puffiness :)

ugh, who knows... all i know right now is that i'm sad to see our time come to an end... but i'm nothing but grateful for these last two days of snow, time together, and time at HOME!!

lee and nershi have enjoyed a nice afternoon nap...
and while i would LOVE to join them, i've managed to get my sleep back on some sort of schedule... and this "schedule" doesn't involve napping during the day. :-\

*as i was preparing to go to bed last night, my loving husband says to me "oh, i forgot to tell you! your snoring was so loud last night, i recorded it on my phone!" ...then he whips out his phone to let me hear several segments of recordings of my snoring... i thought it was hysterical, embarrassing, and creepy allll at the same time! hahah... he's even made special note that my snoring has taken on a whole new life since pregnancy (even though i tell him to stop being so dramatic! haha)--bless his heart, he's thought about sleeping on the couch because he knows that sleep just doesn't come as easy as it should for me these days... he usually tells me "you were snoring so loud last night, but i was so happy because i knew it meant you were at least sleeping!"...and i've TRIED to upload it to blogger, but haven't had any luck...

that's it for now, i guess... just preparing to start the week tomorrow... back to work... back to reality!

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