Sunday, November 22, 2009

a different kind of chrismas story

as mom was trying to get ideas for what i'd like for birthday/christmas... and i mentioned the idea of a nativity scene...

little did i know there's a bagillion varieties of nativity scenes... crystal ones... ones that just include mary, joseph, & baby Jesus... ones that are cartoony... ones that are authentic... big ones... small ones... some that make mary & joseph look like royalty--which they were OBVIOUSLY NOT dressed like royalty on that wonderful night (that kind puzzles me the most!)

but the one that always comes to mind is the one mom had that i remember growing up...

...this one...
so, mom and i talked later and she was asking me did i want the "whole scene" or just mary, joseph, & baby Jesus... and i kept thinking about the whole scene--ya gotta have the wisemen, and the animals, and the whole she-bang... i think it adds to the power & humility of the whole night!

so, then we talked about the manger... she was having a hard time finding a scene with the manger... but i REALLY liked the manger part of it... the one mom had was made out of sticks and moss and just looked really authentic and cabin-ish...

BUT... i said "if you find a cool one w/o a manger... and an ugly one w/ the manger, get the cool one!" haha... (really, an ugly one?! lol)... but i kept coming back to the one she used to have...

well, mom got a wild hair and looked on ebay... lo and behold! there was one on there! JUST. LIKE. HERS!!

so, apparently (according to david) mom got in a bit of a bidding war w/ someone else on ebay... someone who later LOST the bid ;)

when we all got together to celebrate wednesday night, i opened up the box & saw the nativity scene that i remembered growing up! how cool! first thought was that mom gave me hers & she got a new one... but nope, she found one just. like. hers! :)

i just love the earth tones on the porcelin statues with the stick-built manger covered in moss! seems so authentic! (well, at least the way that i think it looked!)

thanks, mom!! makes it feel like home AND christmas! :-D

1 comment:

KieKie! said...

I love that this one found a resting place in your home. I was sentimental in wanting to continue the memories and traditions that ours had with you will have that to pass on to Eden and the others that may follow!!! Christmas love, warmth, magic and meaning originates from our childhood -- enjoy this special Christmas 'cause the ones that follow will have a totally new focus.