Friday, October 30, 2009

fun, eventful night

last night i offered to have girls night at my house--our usual thursday affair with dinner and grey's anatomy...

in inviting everyone over, i had a dual (well, TRIPLE) purpose...

well, first of all, i just thought i'd be fun to have the girls over at MY house!... and i needed a little push to get this house clean...

but (even though this wasn't the ORIGINAL reason for wanting the girls over), i really wanted them to come over so we could start working with nershi on his "company" manners...

i was a bit nervous, but knew it would be good for him to get used to people coming over and being around people in our home that weren't us! ...and i had a few tricks up my sleeve so nershi would remember our visitors as a "good" experience and be rewarded for his good behavior.

nershi, our nearly perfect first furry born, is a most fantastic, laid back, sweet, snuggly, intelligent, friendly, loving dog

..around us (me and lee).

but when we have visitors, he's SOOOO excited that someone's coming to see him (why would nershi think they'd be coming by for something else?)... so, when i've had showers/parties/social stuff over here, its sooo easy to take him to dads...

so i figured its high time to get him used to visitors coming over... whether it be for the baby, family in town, whatever...

before lee headed out to not be a part of "girls night", he took nershi on a nice long trail run to get some energy out... and then i was set!

he did the usual excited routine when everyone first arrived... but we all socialized for a few minutes, i encouraged nershi to not jump by only giving him attention when he was sitting... then gave him a bone when we started to eat dinner...

as he normally does, he walked around the house for a while, trying to decide where he and the bone would settle in for the night... he laid under the table while we ate dinner... then came under the coffee table while me and the girls watched grey's...

he did WAYYYYYYYYYYY better than i thought! i was one proud momma!! we're hoping to try it out some more in the future and keep working with him.

now, last night... part 2!

after all the girls left, i ran over to dad's* at around 10:45ish

*dad was recently broken into, and as a result updated & "re-installed" (used the stuff that was there with new technology, etc) his alarm system... well, they did it while he was out of town this week... and since he was out of town, they went ahead to arm it so everything would be secure. well, ALL of his flights home were drastically delayed and i figured he'd get home after 2am... (which he actually got home after 3am!). and at 2am, i knew he'd be ready to crash! and NOT ready to figure out an alarm system..., while babyhop and i were unlocking & disarming, the panel looked a little different than i was expecting, so i fumbled around with the menu options, etc... to get the key pad to stop beeping... and it did...

silence... hmm... maybe they didn't set the alarm since i never had to enter the code? so, i'm looking around to make sure everything's ok before heading back home... noticing the peaceful group of about 5 deer outside grazing in the backyard... then...

SOUND OF LOUD, DEAFENING SIRENS BLARING!!!!!! (...i just wish i could properly convey this sound to my blog readers!!!)

the deer dart off in every different direction, i dash back to the keypad, i try to call the alarm guy's cell & don't have a signal... so i just keep hitting buttons until i see "enter code to silence alarm" ...yes! enter code... then what i'm assuming* was silence (*i say assuming because my ears were ringing too loudly to hear anything anyway and i was trying to make sure i hadn't peed on myself)

i hopped back in the car and on my quick ride home i thought to myself "wow, this is going to be funny when the neighbors call to find out what's going on" and "i wish i had a hidden camera of my reaction...i coulda been on punk'd!"

dad was in a plane, headed home and i see online that he'd gotten a free in-flight wi-fi pass, so i had the opportunity to tell him of my most eventful night (since after my ginormous adrenaline rush, sleep wasn't in my near future)... and warned him if the neighbors called, just to let him know what happened... and perhaps the line that sums it up and make me laugh:

dad: "don't worry, the neighbors don't know i have an alarm"
me: "trust me... they know now."

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