Thursday, September 10, 2009

thanks, honey!

my sweet lee got me two books today for me and babyhop... i'm looking forward to reading them for a "break" from my serious nutrition, what baby's doing today, what you should be doing to prepare sorta stuff & getting a more humorous and light-hearted perspective on things :)

yes, you may be shocked... i'm currently reading 3 or 4 books! very out of character for me... but in addition to babyhop bringing out the best of my planning skills, he/she has also brought out a lot of my worrier tendencies... as much as i remind myself that worrying doesn't change anything and its really not the best thing for the baby for me to be so busy worrying... i just want to do everything right and take the best care of this precious gift we've been given.

1 comment:

ashley said...

belly laughs and baby laughs (the one she wrote after baby) are hilarious!!! you'll enjoy them!