Sunday, September 27, 2009


lee and i have been attending the passage church and have really enjoyed it... we love how its so laid back, and biblical together... and the pastor, matt does a super job of preaching the Word while also keeping it entertaining & easy to understand.

i know i've shared with you in the past about looking for a church that we BOTH enjoyed... and one that i felt comfortable going by myself on days that lee had to work... this was their 3rd week of services & the first week that i've gone by myself! :)

it was different--i DO like having lee in church with me, but i felt more than comfortable to go by myself!

i overslept & the devil was really workin' me to skip it & sleep in, but i got up... then i felt like puking while getting ready... BUT I MADE IT! :)

we are very excited to say the least & are looking forward to getting more involved! and not to mention now, we've found a church BEFORE babyhop gets here...

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