why, oh, why do i let the laundry pile up like this?

these are all the clean clothes i washed today, the ones that have BEEN clean and either folded or not...and not put away... sigh... (oh, and this doesn't include the two loads of laundry that are still "in process"--in the washer or the dryer)
i'm really trying to make an effort to not get this behind EVER again... but i just loathe laundry... i'd rather scrub toilets or something...
fortunately, with my sweet lee's help... all of these clothes you see are now folded & put away! ...mind you, i piled them on top of the bed today on PURPOSE...not only so i could vacuum under them, but so i'd have to put them away before i could go to bed... which i'm going to do right now... nite nite
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