Thursday, June 4, 2009

which one of these doesn't belong?

SOMETHING is goin' on with my knockout rose in the seems to be growing, but its definitely the RUNT in the group...

...just for the record, the three that "match" on the other side look like the two growing ones in the above pictures...

i'm so proud of my knockout can see ALL the blooms on them... plus there's tons of buds...and look how TALL they are?! (in the first picture, if you can click to enlarge, its taller than the shrub behind it!! wow!)

eh, the way the picture took on my camera with the flash, i might need to do a little mulch touch up soon!

since the completion of the fence, i'm trying to figure out what sort of landscape i'm doing in the back...i don't want much, we want the SPACE! but i feel like a cute little tree or vine would be cute... or possibly a little flower bed around the deck... i'm thinking of something simple with a pop of color! we'll see...

1 comment:

Poirier Family said...

Sorry about your Knockout Rose Runt! I will have to say it again I love the fence.

About the upside down trees. They did that for something different. They are trying to make it look like a flowering tree. When the pulled the trees out of the ground there was dirt still in the root. Then they planted the flowers in the dirt.

I hope that's what you were asking.