Monday, June 1, 2009

seven years...

...ago today, i went on a first date with some guy named LEE! it was a TORRENTIAL rainstorm and we went to a dance recital to see some of my friends. we had fun, but it was mostly just about going, not necessarily TO the dance recital, but just getting together and having fun (after all, we'd met 6 months earlier and "hit it off" but never saw each other again!)...and i think you know the rest of the story :)

in case you were wondering... that's 3,679,200 minutes... or 2,555 days! wow!

...and i've enjoyed every. single. one of them! ;)

i love you, lee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

precious, but kinda nauseating. just kidding. hey, how'd you get the text of your blog to stretch so far across the screen? look at's not very wide. look at yours...much better. can you help?