we have thoroughly enjoyed our father's day weekend...
started friday with lee and i going out with my dad to dinner and a movie--we went to see the hangover... words cannot describe how hilarious this movie is... and believe it or not, its got a fairly decent plot--you know how some of those movies can be down right silly with no plot... then we got a bite to eat at mcallisters! (who wouldn't love that place!)
saturday was shellie's bridesmaid's luncheon at 518 then dessert at the cupcake shoppe! then i had a few errands to run then just enjoyed my saturday with nershi!
sunday we went to lee's family's house and played with mary kathryn & lucy outside with lots of WATER! they had water guns, a pool, and of course--THE HOSE! :-D
lee's dad, steve cooked STEAKS! and they were delicious! we also had salad, potatoes, wheat toast, and strawberry cake & chocolate pie!! WHEW! it was a FEAST!
after seeing the hangover, lee wanted some of the sunglasses that zach galifinakis wore in the movie (his character stole some moves from lee--i SWEAR!) LOL...
so thoughtful nershi got his daddy some for fathers day! along with a tie dyed peace sign magnet and a grateful dead shirt... how sweet is he?!

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