Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my world got a little flatter

these pictures are going to need some explaining...i found it rather difficult to get a good shot of the big sloping ridge that was in our yard...

the best way to show you is to give you a little perspective... the picture below does is my best before shot...if you'll notice my neighbors little trees appear to be planted in a "ditch" that's the far side of the ridge...

you also can see the grass particularly green just to the right of the deck....well, that's the loooow spot...its a little wet valley that does a great job of watering the grass in that one little spot!

now, with that picture explained, you can get a better idea of the ridge from a more direct view...(ok, so i forgot to get better pictures before the guys got there this morning...they were in the way!!) you can see where it dips way down just to the left of those little trees...ta-da!!!
joe, my back-hoe professional made the back corner or our property the highest point, then sloped it down each property line...in other words, the way it was supposed to be done to begin with!!

i'll try to get some better pictures later, but soon after the guys finished, it started raining...man!! what timing!
and my fence will be started in late may/early june...wooo hooo!!
....i know i say this everytime, but once that fence is built, my house checklist is done for quite a while! from the moment we found this house, we've (well, me) wanted a fence...most everything else that i have on my list of house stuff is long term....REALLLY long term...for example, finishing in our bonus room, finishing in the garage, etc...no need to expand a house we're not even grown into yet!! :) i've got it just like i want it!
today is a happy day for this homeowner!! :-D

1 comment:

KieKie! said...

It's all a matter of having the right tools for the job! Woo hoo! Gettin' it done.