Tuesday, March 31, 2009

day 2 of a great week!!

what a pretty day!! i was just itchin' to get outside allllll day....

i wanted to water my plants, walk/run, play with nershi, ANYTHING TO BE OUTSIDE!!

i got home from work and did something i haven't done (personally) in probably 6 years!

i washed my car! ...ok, so i didn't do a GREAT job, but i was able to spend some time outside...and one of my wonderful neighbors suggested using laundry detergent instead of car soap...well, i had no car soap or any other car washing materials...so i improvised...and i must say, it looks pretty spiffy!

now, i know what you're thinking..."hannah, there's POLLEN EVERYWHERE! your car is just going to get dirty again...probably by tomorrow!" ...but if you'd seen my car, it needed the bath either way--now maybe just a good rain will get off the pollen when my little white volvo turns YELLOW!

and what could possibly make this day any better? its TUESDAY...

BIGGEST LOSER! my favorite 2 hours of tv!

off to enjoy that...hopefully fast forwarding through the commercials...then hopefully a walk later tonite...

i'm amazed at what attitude itself does to the events of your week...good attitude? good week...bad attitude? ...you get the idea :)

enjoy your week!

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