these are the toys that he "brings" us to play/throw with him (well, minus one purple ball with holes in it for treats...i couldn't find it for this picture)...these are the only toys in his basket (FULL of toys i might add) that when thrown, don't go in a pattern...every place they bounce, makes them dart in a different direction
the one that cracks me up the most (other than the fact that the "yellow thing" is a chicken with his legs, beak, and eyes ripped out)...is the KONG (the red thing)...i'm pretty sure this is NOT designed to be thrown...you're supposed to put treats inside it, and puppy tries to get them out...but nershi gets all the treats out, then he wants you to throw it! and if you don't comply quickly enough, HE will throw it...yes, tossing it out of his mouth and chasing it when it bounces
(sounds like his mommy...an only child who can self-entertain!) ha!
he gets such a kick out of going after something and he doesn't know where its going...such a smart boy!
...now i'm not saying he doesn't like to play with the balls and his knotted t-shirt, and blanket...but these are the ones that he gets out of the basket without us asking and then lee or i feel a nudge "hey, play with me"
see what i mean?
Our dog Sadie loves her KONG too. That is what I use every morning before going to work. I give that to her with a bone in it and she runs right to her bed and I go out the door. We also have the green ball only ours is blue. That is the one she play with by her self and throws it up in the air almost breaking things in play. She too is like my kid.
yes! nershi only gets treats in his KONG when we leave in the morning for work...its an extra incentive for him to get in his crate...but once we're home, he wants to toss it around! :) isn't it funny how they become SO much like kids?? i can't imagine that kind of love when that day comes for lee and i! :)
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