Thursday, December 11, 2008

this week at our house...

planning, planning, planning...

FOR DISNEY WORLD!! in january, i'm going on a business trip to the SHOT show (shooting, hunting, and outdoor trade) in orlando, florida...and while we were discussing it one day, it came up that stephanie, kevin, and the girls would be down there at the same time--at disney! could we all be in florida at the same time and not get together? so lee and i are going down sunday, january 11th and spending a few days at magical kingdom at walt disney world and universal studios (fun for grown ups!) :)

we're very excited about spending time with stephanie, kevin, mary kathryn & lucy...especially seeing the girls have so much fun at magical kingdom!

then lee heads home on tuesday night...just in time for dad to come down from raleigh and me meet him at the convention center...whew! busy!

the SHOT show is an annual show where dealers get to see all the new stuff...the latest & greatest things out on the market...this is also where we order lots of new merchandise or product lines for the store...and my favorite part is meeting the people that i talk to on the phone every single day! always a fun, but very exhausting trip!

then when dad and i come back on sunday, i unpack and catch up...then mom and i are going to CELINE DION on tuesday!! (don't laugh...we're very excited!)

...and other than that, we've both been very busy with work...retail at christmas time...although, i'm not complaining a bit...we are both very fortunate to have jobs...great jobs...when there are so many who are less fortunate...we count our blessings every night--before we ZONK OUT! and start over the next day! :) don't get me wrong...i really love my job--more so than ever...and its especially fun this time of year...sometimes i feel like i don't get my normal housework, cooking, errands, etc. done...i simply don't have the time or energy

...i think that's all for now...please keep us in your prayers as its a busy and stressful time of year for us (and everybody, i guess) with work and other family obligations...we're ready for a vacation, that's for sure!

i have to remember to take it one day, one customer, one family gathering, one meal, one christmas party at a time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! It makes me tired just reading it all... Granddaddy and about 40 other men will be leaving on 1-19-09 for Biloxi, Miss. for 4 days & 3 nights.. they go some where every year....if I'm lucky maybe I can have some fun to while he's gone to Miss....somebody's got to look after the farm, right. love you,g.tarboro. it didn't go the first,sending it again...