Monday, November 10, 2008

sporting clays tournament

for the past few years, i've gone with dad to a sporting clays tournament for the boy scouts! on october 27th this year was no exception--it was down at rose hill in nashville (where we had our wedding reception)

we always have tons of fun and enjoy the door prizes (the recliner in my living room!) its always a good crowd and fun to see the new shooters and more experienced ones, too from left to right--dad, tim sellers, woody sandy, me, and larry corbett (taught me what i know about sporting clays) this year we got 3rd place!

you will also notice in the picture--me with the clipboard...they needed a WOMAN to keep score! :)

the weather was great!...sunny to begin with then it turned cold and SLEETED! (you may remember a previous post) maybe this isn't the best weather for everybody--but it works for me! :)

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