Friday, November 21, 2008

hannah's home alone!

lee's been looking forward to this weekend for a LONG time...he and his friend daniel are headed to 3 straight nights of umphrey's mcgee...(1 night in richmond and 2 nights in washington, dc)...its the grand finale to his 9 days of vacation from work!

so...i've had lots of free time while he's been out...i've cleaned up a little around the house (didn't have to do a whole lot since lee was on vacay, he's done most of it...whoo hoo!)

last night, i just vegged out...i needed it! between work/being sick/ tonite, dad and i had dinner together to catch up...(even though i work with him every day, there is very little time for this "at the office") and tomorrow is anna's wedding--so i get to see everybody from that side of the family

hopefully tomorrow night i'll be hanging out with mrs. barclift...and you never know what we'll get into! at the very least, dinner and TARGET! haha...

but one thing is for sure...this "down time" is giving me a chance to get over this terrible cold/cough/2x ear infection/throat THING!! my cough meds let me sleep REALLY well at night...and that's probably done more for me than anything else...i felt like i was FINALLY over the hump on thursday....just a few more days of antibiotics and i should be back at 'em!

and lee, don't worry--nershi is taking really good care of me...such a pro! you gave him some good pointers before you left!

...i think that's all for to switch out the laundry and a bath with my new bubble bath from stephanie (the best sis-in-law ever!!)

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