my second surprise was a shopping spree to get Christmas decorations for our new house...even though we were in our house in time for last Christmas (for a whopping 3 days) we just left the un-decorated, lit tree up...
so we went to home depot, michaels, and target...and i got some spotlights for the front yard, a big wreath for the front door, LED candles for each window (downstairs only), a lighted garland for the lamp post, a gingerbread house kit, and little wreaths for the downstairs windows...

lee also surprised me with a trip to the yadkin valley for hot air ballooning and a wine tasting...2 things i've been dying to do for quite some time now...he's so observant! we're supposed to go sometime in march...what a sweetie!
...'s the "in-a-nutshell" story of the morphing bug i've inherited along the way...i woke up 2am friday morning with a flaming throat and no voice...went to work for a bit, came home took a nap, went back to work, got my voice back a little bit, started feeling great the closer it got to bedtime...
woke up saturday morning with a terrible stomach ache, went to work, figured out it was the medicine i was taking...gradually felt better closer to bed time...
woke up this morning with a head cold, hearing loss, and ear ache...lee took me to kanki for lunch today (b/c its cheaper to eat there for lunch) and after we ordered we both felt pretty crummy (lee's catching what i have) we got our order to go and came home, took looooong naps...went to grannys to celebrate the b-day with some family and DUCK CAKE! (yummy, i might add) and as we approach bed time, i'm feeling pretty good again
...i wonder what tomorrow holds?
Lee, you are living your "wall talk" creed! Go boy. Walking the walk of the wall talk, I say! Sweet thoughtful gestures for my girl's birthday. Love you!
Beautiful red bows!!!!!!!. Glad We got to talk to you on your B_Day, Hannah. Get well soon!! Lee is handsome enough without the beard. Love you both, Granny T.
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