Sunday, October 26, 2008

ta da!

the lasagna was a success! despite the fact that i did it a little out of order and forgot a few ingredients...i'm thinkin' its gonna be REALLY good next go round! :)

next time i'll remember to put in some parmesan cheese in my layers and i'll cook the peppers and onions before i throw the beef in the sauce...but i think it was pretty good for my first lasagna!

nershi and i had a great day today (lee was working, of course)...we rode out to wendell falls with dad to see what all the fuss is about...nershi had the best time running around--it was the perfect place to go...flat dirt with nothing around and a few paved roads! then we went to granny's for some of dad's birthday cake and then we walked home and took a doesn't get much better than that! :)

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