Saturday, October 11, 2008

ok...i caved!!

after enjoying to read some friends' blogs, i've switched over to the dark side...

i guess as we all live busier and busier lives, its harder to stay in touch (despite our 8 bagillion lines of communication now)

so, with family and friends getting spread out and day-to-day excitement sometimes lost in the cracks, we will use this as a way to keep everyone informed!! i'll (try to) upload pictures, videos, etc...

i must say, i'm looking forward to it...however, the title is still up for discussion...any suggestions?

i guess that's all for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a blog.... wow... suggustions for title... the honeymooners,h-files(x-files) hopkins days (happy days), 23 (24), nershi (bingo), the normal and the crazy (the young and the restless) few tv show ideas... love otis stroud